Spotlight Kids

Spotlight Kids offers local young actors opportunities to show their stuff on the CEPA stage with two of our biggest annual events!  

Every summer, CEPA offers a two week kids drama camp that performs a full musical in less than nine days! In 2023, the camp performed Seussical Jr. and it was by far the biggest camp show yet! We can’t wait to see what these kids do in 2024.

The Spotlight Summer Drama Camp focuses on building student confidence, exploring creativity, and, of course, making a ton of new friends! Theatre is as educational as it is fun and CEPA strives to inspire artistry in the children of the community!

Registration for 2024’s Kids Drama Camp OPEN SOON! Subscribe to CEPA socials for the most up to date information!

Our Annual Winter Production

Every year, Spotlight Kids put on a fantastic Winter production that has become a staple community event. This group has performed several holiday classics including Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Carol, Sherlock Holmes and the First Baker Street Irregulars, A Christmas Story: The Musical, and most recently, Frozen Jr.!

Frozen Jr.

For their 2023 Winter Production, Spotlight Kids tackled Frozen Jr. and absolutely blew us away!

We had over 80 individuals sign up to audition for this show, a record number, and it was incredibly difficult for director Ash Arrington to cast due to the high volume to talent.

Frozen Jr. was one of the most technically complicated shows in CEPA history, with snow and fog machines, 40 foot backdrops, projections, and practical effects.

With a cast of 32, ranging from 5 years old to 50, and a limited time to prepare, we could not be more impressed with the performance as a whole.


CEPA’s Drama Camp and Winter productions offer unique opportunities for young actors to get stage experience.

Elisabeth Rae has been a member of CEPA’s Spotlight Drama Education and Outreach Program for years, serving in roles ranging from camper to stage manager.

Now Elisabeth, at 17 and in her final year of high school, made her directorial debut in , A Christmas Story: The Musical and CEPA could not be more proud.

Elisabeth has also worked with Spotlight as the stage manager for God’s Favorite and The Champagne Charlie Stakes, and assistant director for Radium Girls and Sherlock Holmes and the First Baker Street Irregular.

Elisabeth isn’t our only example of these opportunity. We have many employee projects and artistic endeavors that are lead by people who started in the Spotlight Kids Program.